Hello spiritual baddie!

You've likely stumbled upon this page because you are driven to build a business that is aligned with your purpose, but you're just not quite sure how to do it.

You might be feeling burnt out from doing all the things or you might feel completely lost with your direction - wherever you are right now, we are here to help you gain clarity on your next steps.

We are here to guide you towards that place where you feel at peace and in tune with your intuition as an entrepreneur. Where you know when honour your rest and when to take aligned action because you're called to.

The secret sauce is in your astrology & human design...

About The Self-Paced Program:

This program will provide you with the tools you need to create aligned offers and customize your content strategy to successfully sell them. You will receive lifetime access to these lessons, so you can go through them at your own pace.

What you will learn:

1) Energy

Become an energetic match for your luxury offers & do the shadow work

2) Strategy

Execute my signature proven DNA content marketing strategy in a way that's aligned with your astrology

AND get a clear step-by-step launching framework based on your astrology & human design.

3) Clarity

Gain clarity on your purpose through astrology + human design

This program is for entrepreneurs who want to dive deep into their astrology + human design and truly embody it in their lives. You're willing to do the shadow work and step outside of your comfort zone. You desire to balance the masculine and feminine with your work.

You want to build a business that brings you freedom, without constantly trading time for money. You are here to put in the conscious effort and focus on creating lasting long term growth. You're not here to memorize facts about your chart, but you're ready to step into your full power and apply what you've learned.

Please note that there is no 1:1 support in this program. Everything is self-paced.

Your next level awaits you, so join now >>>

Regular price: $1997, now 65% off!


Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 1: Energy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 2: Strategy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Phase 3: Clarity
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll


What stage of business do I need to be at in order to join Creator Baddie?

Creator Baddie can benefit entrepreneurs who are at any stage in their business. The goal is to help you get in alignment with your purpose, so if you don’t currently feel aligned, this is for you. If you are an early entrepreneur, it will help you lay out the foundational ground work needed to create high ticket sales. If you are a more seasoned entrepreneur who wants to create a new offer or transition from active offers to more passive sales, the program is here to help you develop your offer and improve your content strategy, so you can grow without burning out. 

What if I have a small audience or haven’t started my social media yet?

You are able to start successfully landing aligned customers no matter how many followers you have. And if you haven’t started yet, this program will give you the tools to begin. I’ve met creators with less than 1000 followers making over 7-figures. A small and engaged audience can be better than a large audience who isn’t fully invested in your work. If you are newer to social media, it may require more time to build the habit of creating content, but there’s no shame in being a beginner. Everyone starts somewhere and that’s exactly why we teach our DNA content strategy, so you can start converting your audience into customers at any stage. 

I’ve invested in programs before that didn’t pay off and I’m afraid to invest again, what are your thoughts?

I’ve definitely made some investments in the past that weren’t as helpful as I thought, but it always taught me something regardless. Sometimes the lesson wasn’t what I expected, but it gave me a stepping stone. Successful entrepreneurs understand that risks are needed in order to grow. I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars in programs and not every single one was completely life-changing, but it didn’t stop me from continuing to invest. If I let my fear stop me from ever investing again, I wouldn’t have the business I have today. Investing in a program doesn’t make success fall into your lap, as you still gotta put in the conscious effort to take aligned action in your life. If you already resonate deeply with my teaching style on my Tiktok, Instagram, and podcast, just think of the massive transformation you could experience in my high level paid programs. 


This program is final sale and there will be no refunds under any circumstance.

This program is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, medical, financial, or other qualified professionals. By enrolling in this program, you agree that you are solely responsible for your decisions, choices, actions, and results. Purchasing this program does not guarantee any outcomes or earnings.

You will receive lifetime access to the lessons and program materials. Lifetime access means you will receive access for the lifetime of this product.

Regular price: $1997, now 65% off!